NIE Application

The application can differ from area to area and also depends on your nationality. The NIE Application procedure explained here applies for getting your NIE in Madrid city for applicants from the European Union.

The office you need to go to also depends if you are applying for the NIE number or the NIE card.

The address of the police office for getting the NIE Number is Av. de los Poblados, 51, 28047 Madrid.

The address of the police office for getting the NIE Card is Av. del Padre Piquer, 18, 28024 Madrid.

If you live outside of Madrid city, here is a list of the places in Madrid province where you can get your NIE arranged.

What is the next step?

You can go to these locations in person before starting the process, but be prepared: the only information you will get is that you need “cita previa” which means you have to go home and schedule an appointment on the internet. Read more about how to schedule cita previa and that NIE Madrid can help you with it.

Sometimes even more difficult than scheduling the appointment is understanding what documents you need to take with you in order to complete the application process. Here is where many people begin to lose hope that they will ever get their NIE. After a few visits to the same office and STILL not having the right combination of documents/signatures/stamps/bank slips/photocopies….the frustration is overwhelming.

NIE Application

NIE Madrid can help you with the whole process, guide you through the documents needed, schedule an appointment and accompany you to the police office to assure you will get the NIE fast and stress-free.